Lifetime Pass - Mettā Membership

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Lifetime Pass - Mettā Membership


Metta Creative is a world-wide community through which creative, conscious energy flows. 

Join forces with us to further our collective impact. #mettamakers


Join Mettā Creative!

Join our community and help us along our mission as we #LiveMetta and #PartyWithPurpose

🌈🖤⚡️👁🦋🌍🌱♾🍄♻️ ♻️🍄♾🌱🌍🦋👁⚡️🖤🌈

Mettā Creative fosters the connection and facilitates the support of a purpose-driven, environmentally-conscious community by curating artistic, fulfilling and interactive events open to the public, encouraging freedom of expression and the promotion of personal ventures and projects that align with our mission and core-values.

Mettā Makers have an opportunity to communicate, showcase portfolios and work together on projects via the Mettā Creative platform , which is equipped with a fully-integrated networking system. Unlike LinkedIn, we use a matching system to connect the Mettā Makers with other individuals, organizations and job opportunities that they are interested in connecting with based on the information they provide. Metta Makers can stay up to date with experiences, meetings and charity events with smart-notifications tailored to their interests.